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Fixture Rotation Tool.... Coming Soon

16 Dec. 2014

Hi all,

Over the course of this and coming seasons I will be publishing a weekly FantasyFootballFix article to assist you in a key element of FPL.

My name is Matt Kaye and I have been semi interested in FPL since 2006. Over the second half of last season however I took my interest up several gears and started to study FPL in much greater detail. I looked deeply at the mechanics of how it works and created several thoughts behind statistics, spreadsheets and varying strategies and tried to create a consistent approach to my game. This season I have put all that into practice and although I am still learning new concepts and making new mistakes I am having the most successful year to date.

This change in approach to FPL has had a direct correlation with my current global rank of 8039, not the greatest I admit, but still my highest and increasing week by week. I also write for the FPL Academy and have a regular spot talking about mainly the methodology behind FPL. In one of these articles I explained a key vector in FPL planning which is where this fantastic opportunity from has lead me.

A few months back I approached the guys at and made a suggestion for a new Rotation application.

That suggestion is soon to become a reality and under the Assistant Manager section of their site, a 'Fixture Rotator' will shortly surface. I have been testing this application for a few weeks and can now provide a sneak peak of what’s to come.

The application works by first answering 3 simple questions…..

  1. How many upcoming fixtures
  2. Total number of players to rotate
  3. Number of players starting per game

The screenshot below is a result of asking the application for a 6 game rotation (question 1) between 2 players (question 2) and only ever starting 1 of them (question 3). In this scenario I already have Baines and Debuchy so I only needed 1 more player to feature every week.

The Result?

  1. Leicester Home
  2. Hull Home
  3. Aston Villa Away
  4. West Brom Home
  5. Liverpool Home
  6. Hull Home

The application will not tell you what players to pick but instead suggest which team to focus your transfers from. You can also blacklist certain teams from appearing in the results as per above. Maybe your bank balance knows it can’t stretch to a player from Chelsea or Liverpool or you may want to filter out Everton and Arsenal as you already have Baines and Debuchy.

Another example is asking the application to find a 6 game rotation from 5 defenders, playing 3 each week, which is the standard setup in FPL. This type of input would be extremely beneficial in a Wildcard window where you have the freedom to buy and sell anyone within your budget. Check out the below screenshot for the results!

The clever algorithm suggests buying a defender from West Ham, Man City, Aston Villa, Spurs and Sunderland giving you this tasty combination!

  • GW18: wba lei HUL
  • GW19: BUR SUN avl
  • GW21: lei cry LIV

So there you have it, a brilliant new feature from the lads at Once live, play around with it, find a long term strategy or a short term tactical fix. If you like it, tweet out your rotations and spread the word.

I’ll be back next Tuesday after the feature is live, I’d love to hear your feedback so I can incorporate it in my next blog. I’ll be talking about how past picks have been performing and any future ones on the cards.

Rotation is a key element to FPL, without it you may be faced with all your defenders having tough away trips or having difficult decisions to make on whom to bench.

See you all next week

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