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Gameweek 38: FPL Algorithm Team Reveal

Fantasy Football Fix 17 May 2024

FPL Gameweek 38 (19th May): Season Finale

The final Gameweek of the season is here, and many FPL managers will be going a differential route to try and improve their overall ranks. But will the Algorithm go in the same direction?

FPL Phillips (Eddie) goes head-to-head with the Fantasy Premier League AI for the last time in the 2023/24 season. Both select a squad of players they believe will score the most points this Gameweek. Eddie also looks at some differential captaincy options that could potentially be better than Haaland.

Timestamps ⏰

0:00 - Intro

1:07 - Algorithm Team

7:07 - Eddie's Team

8:51 - Captaincy

11:31 - End Screen

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